FFL Tools - Simply the Best FFL Management Software

Plans Start
as Low as
$19 / Month

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You Buy It!

We invite you to try FFL Tools FREE for 30 days. We think you will agree, FFL Tools is Simply the Best FFL Management Software!

Start Your Free Trial Now!

FFL Tools is Simply the Best, Easiest to Use FFL Management Software Available

Built by FFLs Specifically for FFLs

Because we are a licensed FFL, we know firsthand the frustration, the redundant effort, and the wasted time that is required to stay in compliance with the authorities. We also discovered that while there are many options for FFL software on the market, they are either too basic or overly complex and difficult to use. That's why we developed FFL Tools. FFL Tools is the easiest, most comprehensive electronic Firearms Acquisition and Disposition system available. It simplifies, digitizes, and streamlines your workflow. But don't take our word for it; try it for yourself by downloading your FREE, Fully Functional, 30 Day Trial copy of FFL TOOLS.

". . . Amazing software! Only an FFL could understand our complex world and come up with such simple to use software as FFL-TOOLS . . . ."


Walk Into Your Next ATF Audit with Confidence!

Let FFL Tools take the fear and dread out of your next ATF
Audit.? With data verification in the Acquisition and Disposition processes, and the electronic creation of 4473s and other required ATF forms, FFL Tools helps to eliminate errors in your Bound Book.? With?the Inventory report, multiple Bound Book views, and the Quick View report, FFL Tools provides all the information an ATF Auditor will require.

Automated 4473 & Integrated NICS Background Checks

FFL Tools fully integrates and automates the completion of the 4473 and FBI NICS Background Checks.? Never again will you have to manually enter the same information on multiple forms.?

  • Your customer simply completes and signs an electronic 4473 on a work station you provide.
  • With?a double click of the mouse the information?from?the 4473 is populated into the Background Check System for processing.

Save Time, Save Money, by Streamlining Your Workflow

FFL Tools streamlines, simplifies, and expedites your workflow from the moment you acquire a firearm all the way through to disposition. And, when you add the QuickBooks Expansion Pack, all necessary data is passed from FFL Tools into QuickBooks Desktop so you can create invoices, sales receipts, inventory reports and more.

Convenient and Low Cost Options!
Choose the Plan That's Right for You!

FFL Tools Monthly Subscription Plan

per month for 1 workstation

  • Subscription Plan Based on Number of Concurrent Workstations
  • 1 workstation - 19/mo
  • 2 workstations - $34/mo
  • 3 workstations - $49/mo
  • 4 workstations - $64/mo
  • 5 workstations - $79/mo
  • Unlimited - $99/month
  • Electronic Forms 4473, 3310.4, 3310-11, Integrated NICS and eZCheck
  • Automated NICS?Background Checks
  • Firearm Acquisition & Disposition
  • Bound Book & Inventory Reports
  • Firearm Inquiry and Edit
  • Quickbooks Integration Included
  • Complex Manufacturing Module Included
  • NFA Forms Processing Included
  • Email and phone support included.
  • All updates?

FFL Tools Perpetual Plan

one time purchase

  • Perpetual Plan
  • Electronic Forms 4473, 3310.4, 3310-11, Integrated NICS and eZCheck
  • Automated NICS?Background Checks
  • Firearm Acquisition & Disposition
  • Bound Book & Inventory Reports
  • Firearm Inquiry and Edit
  • Quickbooks Integration Module - $200 Additional
  • Complex Manufacturing Module - $200 Additional
  • NFA Forms Processing - $100 Additional
  • Email and phone support with $99 Yearly Maintenance Agreement (First Year Included)
  • All major updates while under Maintenance Agreement