The Acquisition Module makes use of SKU in the same manner as FFL Tools allowing the form to be completed quickly and consistently. One to an unlimited number of consecutive serial numbers can be generated using Prefix, Number, Suffix, and total number of serial numbers to generate. Prefix and Suffix are optional. The module will not allow for a duplicate serial number to be generated.
Click the image for details on using the Creation Acquisition Module.
Items can be disposed in the Disposition Module using several methods, All, Manufactured For, Job, PO, or Lot Number. Only items that are created on or before the Disposition date will be available to be disposed. Items can only be disposed to the FFL they where manufactured for. In most cases items are going to be manufactured for "self", unless there is a variance in place allowing the FFL holder that is using FFL Tools to manufacturing for another FFL.
The Disposition Module will dispose the record in the Manufacturing Boundbook and if manufactured for "self" it will create an acquisition record in the Retail Boundbook. To transfer an item to a non-license holder it must be disposed from manufacturing and acquired in the Retail Boundbook.
Click the image for details on using the Creation Disposition Module.