Disposition to Non-Licensee via 4473 (Electronic)
Open the Disposition Module by clicking on the Tools Tab.
By default, is selected.
Right click a listed 4473 to display context menu. This will allow for the record to be returned back to NICS if it was erroneously advanced, or the 4473 can be Canceled.
To Dispose firearms, clicking a listed 4473 will fill in the disposition information and display a Data grid of firearms that are associated with the 4473. For a large list, use the filters at the bottom of the Data Grid to help locate the 4473 to dispose.
FFL Tools provides the functionality to add additional, or remove existing firearms to the Firearms Data grid in the Disposition module. It is up to the FFL to comply with all ATF rules and regulations regarding adding additional firearms to a 4473. As stated on the 4473 form:
Additional firearms purchased by the same buyer may not be added to the form after the seller has signed and dated it. A buyer who wishes to purchase additional firearms after the seller has signed and dated the form must complete a new ATF Form 4473. The seller must conduct a new NICS check.
To add a firearm right click anywhere in the Firearm Data grid to display and then click
to display:
When a serial number is selected it is added to the Firearm Data grid and a notification
will display.
To remove a firearm from the disposition, right click the firearm to be removed to display . Click
and the selected firearm will be removed and a notification
will display.
If a Transfer Receipt is desired, Check before clicking dispose.
On occasion you may not catch an error in customer data until you get to the Disposition process. In this circumstance you can click to enable editing of the form data.
Click to process the disposition. The
will display. Write the 4473 Transaction Number on the 4473 form, then click
to close the dialog.
The firearm(s) associated with the selected 4473 have now been dispositioned.
If the Print Transfer Receipt Check Box was checked, then will be displayed. All information is optional. Once complete click
to close the dialog.
The Transfer Receipt will be displayed in the PDF viewer.
Multiple Handgun Sale:
When disposing firearms, a check is done to see if this results in a Multiple Handgun Sale, and if so a Multiple Handgun Sale report is prepared by the system. Due to the fact that customers may inadvertently make minor spelling errors on a 4473 that are not caught, FFL Tools attempts to match potential records and provide the FFL with potential matches. The matches are rated as a percentage match. The following form comes up when an exact match is not made, or if there are multiple potential matches.
choose all potential matches that you know to apply and then click the Selections Have Been Made button to proceed.
The system will produce your Form 3310-4 so that you may print it.
Close the Disposition Module by clicking the X on either side of the ribbon bar.