A site license for the NFA Module can be purchased for $80.00 plus prorated support up to $20.00. The NFA Module will add $20.00 to the yearly support cost of FFL Tools.
Form 2 has been integrated with Simple and Complex manufacturing. When an NFA item is manufactured a Form 2 .pdf will be generated to simplify the reporting to the ATF.
Form 3 has been integrated with FFL Dispose. It is a two step process. First when an NFA item is selected to be disposed to an FFL Holder, it does not get disposed, but held in limbo. The Form 3 is generated which is to be snail-mailed to the ATF. Once the Form 3 is approved, then the Form 3 Complete is used to dispose the NFA item.
Form 4 has been integrated with 4473 Seller. When an NFA item is placed on a 4473 and the finish button clicked, a dialog will be displayed asking if the person has the Tax Stamp. If NO is selected a Form 4 will be generated.
Help about the integrated parts of the NFA Module are a child topic of the item that has the integration.
Help about the Manager and Reports are listed as child topics for the NFA Module.
Enable NFA Module
Open the Options page by clicking the Options button in the upper left part of the application ribbon.
Open the NFA tab by clicking NFA on the left hand side of the page.
Turn NFA Module on by clicking the switch to
FFL Tools uses the logged in user's Name and Title when generating ATF forms. If there is a single person in your organization that is the Authorized Official for NFA forms, then put the Authorized Official's Name and Title in . The field will be in uppercase, make sure to put a space / space between the name and title
The NFA Module will now be on and in evaluation mode for 30 days.
Purchase NFA Module
The NFA Module can be purchased at any time during or after the evaluation period by clicking to display the
Enter the credit card information and click to securely process the credit card. Once the credit card is successfully processed a .pdf Invoice will be generated and a license file will be written to your hard drive.
Here is an example:
The NFA Module is now registered.