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The Lost and Stolen Module is something that we hope you will never have to use. It has been included in FFL Tools to provide the FFL with a method to disposition firearms that have been Lost or Stolen and to aid the FFL in filling out the ATF Form 3310.11.

Important Notice

Section 923 (g), Title 18 U.S.C., requires each Federal Firearms Licensee (FFL) to report the theft/loss of a firearm from the licensee's inventory or from the collection of a licensed collector, within 48 hours of discovery to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) by calling 1-888-930-9275 and to local law enforcement authorities.

FFLs who report a firearm as missing and later discover its whereabouts should advise ATF that the firearms have been located. Licensees reporting theft/loss of firearms registered under the National Firearms Act must provide written notification to the National Firearms Act Branch, pursuant to 27 C.F.R. § 179.141.

This form should not be used by common carriers for reporting the theft/loss of firearms. Thefts/losses from interstate shipments must continue to be reported on ATF Form 3310.6, Interstate Firearms Shipment Report of Theft/Loss.

Instructions To Federal Firearms Licensees

1. FFLs must report the theft/loss of firearms to the ATF Stolen Firearms Program Manager within 48 hours of discovery (toll free 888-930-9275).

2. This form is to be used to provide written notification of firearms thefts/losses in addition to reporting firearms thefts/losses by telephone to the ATF Stolen Firearms Program Manager. Document in Section B the date that you reported the information by telephone. If the call is after normal business hours, you will be directed to call the ATF Hotline where a representative will contact the ATF Field Office in your area. During normal business hours, or on the following business day, the Stolen Firearms Program Manager will provide you with an ATF Incident Number to record in this report. You will then be directed to forward a copy of this report to the address set forth in item 5 below.

3. A separate form is required for each theft/loss report. This form must be prepared in ink, signed, and dated. Please use ATF Form 3310.11A, Federal Firearms Licensee Theft/Loss Report Continuation Sheet, when the number of lost/stolen firearms exceeds the space allowed in Section C.

4. The description of the lost or stolen firearms provided in Section B of this form should be identical to the information contained in the Record of Acquisition and Disposition required by 27 CFR Part 178 Subpart H.

5. Upon completion, the original must be forwarded to the following address:

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives

National Tracing Center

Attn: Firearms Interstate Theft Program Manager

244 Needy Road

Martinsburg, WV 25405

6. Copy 1 should be removed and retained as part of the licensee's permanent records.

7. FFLs must reflect the theft/loss as a disposition entry in the Record of Acquisition and Disposition required by 27 CFR Part 178, Subpart H. The disposition entry should indicate whether the incident is a theft or loss, the ATF Issued Incident Number, and the Incident Number provided by the local law enforcement agency.

8. Should any of the firearms be located, they should be re-entered into the Record of Acquisition and Disposition as an acquisition entry.

9. Additional forms may be obtained through the ATF Distribution Center, 1519 Cabin Branch Drive, Landover, Maryland 20785, (301) 583-4696.

Paperwork Reduction Act Notice

The information required on this form is in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The purpose of this information is to provide notification to ATF of the theft or loss of firearms from the inventory of a Federal firearms licensee and from the collection of a licensed collector.

The information is subject to inspection by ATF offices. The information on this form is required by 18 U.S.C. 923(g)(6).

The estimate average burden associated with this collection is 24 minutes per respondent or record keeper, depending on individual circumstances.

Comments concerning the accuracy of this burden estimate and suggestions for reducing this burden should be directed to Reports Management Officer, Document Services, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, Washington, DC 20226.

An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid

Click to open the Module and display an ATF Form 3310.11. The form is one continuous page, but the Help will be broken down into sections.

Section A - Federal Firearms Licensee Information

The system will auto fill Federal Firearms License Number, Trade/Corporate Name, Street Address of Federal Firearms Licensee, City, State, Zip Code, and enter the full name of the user logged into the system for Full Name of Person Making Report. Any of this information can be changed if necessary. Note: if any of this information is incorrect, please update the information in the Options page.

Enter the Federal Firearms Licensee Telephone Number. This field is masked to (XXX) XXX-XXXX. Just type the phone number and the system will put in the parenthesis and the dash.

Enter the Street Address of the Person Making Report.

Enter the Zip Code for the Person Making Report to auto fill the City and State fields. Some zip codes have more than one city, use the drop down list to change city if necessary.

Enter the Telephone Number

Section B - Theft/Loss Information

Enter Date of the Theft/Loss Discovery, Police Notification, and ATF Notification by typing in the values or using the and pickers by clicking on the down arrow in each field.

Check at least one of the four boxes under Description of Incident.

Enter the ATF Issued Incident Number Note: You must have this number as it is used in the Bound Book in place of a 4473 Transaction Number.

The system will auto fill the Name of Local Authority as defined in the Options section. Add the additional information as requested on the form.

Enter the Theft Location if Different for FFL Premises. Remember the Zip Code field will auto fill the City and State fields.

Enter the Name and Phone number of the ATF Representative Notified. These two fields on the form will be concatenated on the printed report.

Enter a Brief Description of Incident.

Section C - Description of Firearms

To add a firearm right click anywhere in the Firearm Data grid to display and then click to display:

. When a serial number is selected it is added to the Firearm Data grid and a notification will display.

To remove a firearm from the disposition right click the firearm to be removed to display . Click and the selected firearm will be removed and a notification will display.

Enter the date that the report is to be signed.

Once all information has been entered, click . By clicking the Create Form button the system will do two things:

  1. Generate an Adobe PDF of the ATF Form 3310.11. If more than five firearms where selected, supplemental forms will also be created for the extra firearm records.
  2. The firearms that were selected will be dispositioned in the Bound Book to the ATF Issued Incident Number that was entered on the form.

Clicking will clear any data entered by the FFL and reset the form.

Clicking will close Lost and Stolen.